AI journalism and Robotization of Marketing set to create a revolution in the fast growing digital world

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) journalism will change the tools and techniques of content publication, AI journalism will also create a revolution, a change from "digital marketing" to what I call "robot marketing". This post explores how the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence will control digital marketing and bring a new revolution bigger than digitalization: the concept of Robot Marketing or Robotization of Marketing.

Robotization of Marketing is a new mechanism that includes the management of marketing data on the one hand, the manufacture of different global marketing strategies and the use of new technologies such as robots, blockchain and big data analysis to access user and customer data. . . . . . . To guarantee the effectiveness of the new marketing, on the other. The robotization of marketing will be based mainly on artificial intelligence and the techniques of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Looking at the current situation of global spending on digital marketing; Spending on digital marketing increased 44 percent last year in the United States and Great Britain to $ 52 billion, according to a study, which estimates that global outlays on such tactics are approaching $ 100 billion, according to Reuters report.

Unlike putting ads online through intermediaries, digital marketing or "martech", it has the appeal of allowing brands to target consumers directly through social networks, search engine optimization or activated assistants. . Voice, like that of Alexa (AMZN.O) Alexa.

The problem of "brand security," which can be compromised when ads appear along with inappropriate online content, has also frustrated sellers and encourages them to seek greater control over the way they are run. for the public.

"Clearly, marketers seek to develop an internal force and are willing to spend more on martech to remain competitive," said study author Damian Ryan, a partner at UK accounting firm Moore Stephens.

Robot marketing will greatly help brands to target consumers directly through social media, search engine optimization or voice-activated assistants, and new 4IR technologies.

According to the report of the World Economic Forum, about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. One of the most important sources of this data is consumers, whose online browsing, past purchases and payments leave huge clues of information. For many consumer companies, having a "share" in this data flow and creating value from it will be the cornerstone around which their business model is built.

There will be important opportunities for companies to take advantage of consumer data: either by using them to improve services and personalize marketing messages or by offering services to reassure consumers about the security and privacy of their online information. At the same time, the growing consumer activism and regulatory reforms reflect the growing privacy and transparency problems of society's data.

Artificial intelligence journalism, through Robot Marketing, will create a direct effect on marketing elements such as: customer behavior, generation of marketing content, creation of a new Influencer & Social Media Marketing, produce a large amount of data and disruptive techniques; It will also present creative digital transformation and new strategies in Marketing.

AI journalism and Robot Marketing will reduce the cost of digital marketing by less than half. Robot Marketing creates personal entities that are "run by individuals" instead of institutions.

If we analyze the main actor in the digital marketing industry, Google will continue to be the largest seller of digital ads in the world in 2019, accounting for 31.1% of global advertising spending, or $ 103.73 billion. Facebook will be No. 2, with $ 67.37 billion in net advertising revenue, followed by Alibaba, based in China, with $ 29.20 billion. Even though Amazon has been constantly eliminating the Google-Facebook duopoly in the United States. UU., It will be a smaller player on the world stage, with $ 14.03 billion in advertising revenue. However, it remains the fourth largest digital advertising seller in the world, according to the digital advertising expense report PRO 2019.

The continuous change towards digital advertising does not mean that traditional channels are neglected in 2019. In fact, advertisers around the world are beginning to design strategies to take advantage of traditional and digital advertising and
